Coverage for Catastrophic Injuries

Although we try our best to prevent them, serious accidents can and do happen every day. Monarch's Catastrophic Accident Insurance helps provide peace of mind against the risk of catastrophic injuries.Our catastrophic accident coverage is available for students in kindergarten through 12th grade as well as: interscholastic athletes; cheerleaders; participants in non-sport extracurricular activities; intramural sports participants; band members; majorettes; gym class participants; coaches; and managers and/or trainers.

It is also available for covered injuries the student incurs during the hours and days when school is in session and while attending or participating in school-sponsored and supervised activities on or off school premises. Coverage includes travel, team or individual, to or from the location of a covered event. All travel must be authorized by the policyholder and paid for or subject to reimbursement by the policyholder.

Coverage is provided during interscholastic practice and games; intramural games, gym class activities, band practice, cheerleading practice, or while at a game, and during any non-sport school-sponsored and supervised activity. Coverage includes travel, team or individual, to or from the location of a covered event.

We offer blanket coverage, with premiums paid by the school. Benefit maximums range from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000, with 10-year or lifetime benefit periods available. Other benefits are also available, such as Catastrophic Cash, which pays scheduled benefits for catastrophic accident medical expense. For disability or paralysis, this option also pays an initial lump-sum amount, then an allocated amount over the next 10 years.

For specific information on coverage options, please see plan materials.
